Our Little Community
Welcome to our safe space. I say, "our" because this is not only a place for the writer to get it all out there, but the readers as well. And we will get it all out there. Each writer has either been diagnosed with a chronic condition or has a loved one that has been. This is a safe place, but not a quiet place. Posts will be about the simple and the complex. We will share our experiences, our education, our good and bad. Every contributor has something to offer and hopefully readers will have things to offer as well. But, it is not necessary to be defined only by our chronic conditions. We have real lives and sometimes, we just want to share parts of those.
As with any community we want to provide a comfortable place for all of our members, readers and writers alike. For that to happen, we need rules. So far we only have a few, if we realize that we need to alter them for everyone to feel safe, we will. Let's keep them simple, adults don't need to have everything spelled out all the time.
1. No profanity.
2. No racial slurs.
3. No direct attacks on any person or organization.
4. All emotions are valid when expressed respectfully.
5. Moderators have the right to delete any comments without any explanation.
6. Administrators will block trolls and spammers without warning.
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