What's all this "positive thinking" about?

Hello ladies! I hope you are all getting through this week in one piece.

Positive Thinking 💭

I'll be honest. I have never been a particularly positive person. Optimism hasn't been in my repertoire since I was a toddler with a cookie. I expected the worse, and was skeptical of the best. I could not for the life of me understand those folks who looked at the glass half full. My husband talked about having a positive attitude, and I thought he was talking down to me. I'm not proud of it, but there it is.

What I am proud of was when the concept of positive thinking finally clicked. I know it's different for everyone, but for me it was when I realized that no matter how many times I enumerated the possible negative outcomes of my health problems that didn't stop them from coming. I mentally sat back on my heels and reasoned, "Well, I know the negative outcomes for the most part, but dwelling on them is completely ruining everyday happy moments." So, I started thinking more about what I do have and what I can strive for. And for me, it clicked.

I'd heard it a billion times before from many different people, but to experience it myself and in my own way was eye-opening. So now I try to take it as it comes. Small steps. Bite-size portions. Occasionally things bum rush me, but that's unavoidable and survivable. Praying to Jehovah and focusing on my small spiritual goals are refreshing! I feel centered and calmer emotionally and physically.

How do you manage to think positively?


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