Meet the DesertButterfly

I am excited to take this moment to introduce myself.  I am Evelyn, a wife, mother, and writer, who lives with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I have been blogging since 2004.  Before that I enjoyed some minor publishing in local  (Las Vegas, NV) journals.  Writing did pay for college, but largely, I have always done it for me.  I am thrilled to be using this skill to create a place for people whose lives have been affected by chronic conditions.

My diagnosis was confirmed by MRI in November of 2015.  For me there was no journey.  I was a  healthy 35 year old woman, and then a week later, I was not.  Almost two years later, I still struggle with my identity.  Most days are good ones, I am just Evelyn.  I hope that I can share with all of you some of the hope that I experience and the education that I gain in those times.  But some days, I'm the tired mom, the slower worker, the girl that can't walk straight.  On those days, I need an outlet.  On those days, I hope to lean on this community for support.


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